Saturday, October 10, 2009

Thank you everyone for this

This idea came about from a student of mine from years ago, Sheila Velazquez. Thank you Sheila.
I want the world to know how much I love teaching and my students. I do not deserve to be treated with disrespect, humiliation and negative comments by some people in the education field in Philadelphia.  It is not fair to me or the students I serve and care about.  I started a robotics program nine years ago at my present school,  yet, now that I have chosen to take a half year sabbatical, the School District ( I have emailed many departments at 440 N. Broad St) seems to think that I am incapable of running such a program, as they have let my school advertise the position without any communication with me, the sponsor of the team for 9 years.  Actually for the past two years I have struggled for my students and the program , due to negative attitudes and resistance from various members of the educational field at the school and "downtown".
I have a love for my students and want the best for them in education and life.  I always strive to be the best teacher I can, and for the last two years....that was not enough!!!  I was badgered, denied school activities, blamed for things I did not do...while other faculty members "black listed" me.
It has been a struggle for sure!!!

As I continue to pursue my Administrative Certification, I will constantly and consistently push for better educational strategies for children in the WORLD as well as in Philadelphia.  I am always available to my students should they need motivation, updating their resume or just advice in addition to anything I can offer.   Parents and Community members are always welcome to ask me too, they know that!!
No matter what, I will continue to SURVIVE as an Effective, Highly Qualified science teacher  who teaches kids to love education and live in the reality of today's world, and will do my best to ignore the negativity around me in some educational venues.

I hope to open my own "Independent" school ( grades 7-12) someday where I will have my former students at the helm!!! They are trustworthy, smart, resourceful, worldly and love life!!! It will be a successful place for education. 


  1. I hope and pray that you do get your own school, you deserve it. If there is anything, anything at all I can do, please belive that I am here for you. Just like you were for me. Love Shan.

  2. My name is Sheila Velazquez and I'm a former student of Edison High School. Ms. Sharon Newman Ehrlich was my teacher and she was the best teacher in Edison High and I know many others will agree with my opinion. Ms. Ehrlich knew how to teach people and she had made learning easy and entertaining but a little difficult some of the time but I'm glad for that because she help me and many others how to be educated. I really love learning in her class...she open many windows of opportunity for myself and others to get the best education that she can offer to us. There were times that I've experienced teachers treating students so cruel and never cared about there students but in my eyes I have always saw Sharon as a mentor and as a person who really cares about her students. I think that Ms Ehrlich should receive an "Award" for Teacher of the year but I prefer to say teacher of the Decade! Ms. Ehrlich had started a Robotics Program that is extremely enlightening and now I hear that the new principal in the school is trying to take that away from her and give her job something that she created and was responsible for many years to someone else. I don't want that to happen because she is the Only One that can teach this to students the right way so please don't take it away from her because she deserves the Most Respect because she is Worth It.

  3. Sharon,
    I'm glad to see you are using this medium. I used it to great success (people actually read what I wrote and enjoyed it!). Unfortunately, it got me into a little trouble, yet I have zero regrets about it. I wish you nothing but the best as you attempt to plow through the b******t as well as those people who want to see you fall flat on your face. Good luck with all your endeavors, especially your "Independent" school. I will bequeath to you my former title of "Honest Owl."

    José Galloza

  4. Mrs know that everything on that post is the truth. You are a great teacher, mentor, person, and friend. You are still here for us after so many years and I graduated in 1997 (that is a long time). Don't let negative people bring you down. There are many students that need you. YOU DO YOU! It has work thus far and will continue to work as long as you still want it. I know I speak for many of your former students when I say YOU ARE ONE OF THE BEST and WE LOVE YOU!!

  5. Mrs. E...I never had your class but you were my advisory teacher and even though I was in that class for a couple minutes, five days a week, due to being involved in a club, the year through I got to meet the great person you are..You helped me in many ways, even when you didnt have to, you took time from what ever you were doing to help me and many others. You always had great ideas and knew your students pretty well. When I was upset you knew something was wrong and would joke around to make me smile and I know for a fact you brightened my day.
    You have to keep your head up high and don't step into any of these negative peoples shoes. They are cruel and rude and just let them be because deep inside you should know you are better than them and have a bigger heart than what they have.
    And just know no matter if you do things right of wrong there are always going to be people who are going to talk negative about you. So you keep doing a great job at what you do best!!Which is caring for others and always being happy and a warming person etc. I can keep going but it will be a book about you. Just want to let you know that you have all my support I love you and you are the best teacher I ever met. Keep your dreams up, like you told me and many others everything is possible just keep your head up high and keep fighting through that one day you will pursue your dream. I go by that everyday!!! SOOO WHAT OTHER TEACHER CAN TOP MRS.E????NOBODY!!!! So stop trying..JEJE Love YA Mrs E!!

  6. You were a great teacher, probably one of the best that I had when I was there, I had you for 10th grade biology, you seemed to care a lot more than some of the others, Shame on the school board for doing that, that's horrible to post your job like that, that's very cold.

  7. Ms. Ehrlich was my Environmental Science teacher... I'm not going to lie... She bugged the hell out of me! But now that I'm in college i know why. She always told me that i was smart and all I had to do was push myself to do better and commit more to my studies. She helped realize something that I know now: Knowledge is power! The number one tool to a successful future is EDUCATION. Ms. Ehrlich loves her students, even the knuckle heads like me. She always gave us advice, even when we didn't want it, and now I find myself taking that very advice that I once hated and ignored. Ms. Ehrlich is a wonderful teacher with a HUGE heart and she deserves to share her heart with her students, not be judged. I remember in class trying to ignore the fact that she made things interesting and made me one to look up on it. She is very opinionated, but it is because she wants to better and improve and help the educational system that has failed so many. I only hope that when she opens her own school, and I know she will, she will allow me to thank her by helping her teach the same lifelong skills she taught me. Thanks Ms. E!!! Keep your head up because your efforts will not go unnoticed!

  8. My name is Angel Davila and I am a former student of Ms. Ehrlich at Edison High school. I do not know what the situation is with her and the school district or the school, but Ms. Ehrlich is not the one (regardless of the situation) who should be targeted with negativity of that sort.
    She is a great teacher (and one of the few left out there) who actually cares about the students, not only in the class room, but in their decisions in life pertaining to success. I am not speaking only as a former student, but also as a former member of the robotics team. I was in robotics and I must say that Ms. Ehrlich was the most dedicated member of the team. She worked hand in hand with us (the students) and stood in long hours after school with us to make sure we would succeed in our project. I do not understand why would anyone else even be considered for this position when she's the perfect person for the job!! I'm sure the students would agree as well. Whatever the problem is, do not let Ms. Ehrlich be taken away from what she loves to do for her the end of the day, the students are the ones paying for all the nonsense...Ms. Ehrlich, you helped me so much and I sincerely thank you for everything... I have my college degree now and will do something good with my life ....Have faith and be patient... remember, good things come to good :) ...Much love

  9. Mrs E :)

    I never had you as a teacher but as a mentor, friend and one of the most positive people I know.. I know and believe you'll strive far. There's always going to be haters no matter what you do, your better than that! Keep your head up and let no one put down YOUR dreams. Your great at what you do and not every teacher has the gift you have... your one of a kind and you are VERY MUCH LOVED! I have faith in you as well as all your former students I'm sure. You will have what you deserve... that I am sure! Many blessings!

  10. (Sharon) Ms. Ehrlich,
    I think this site is a wonderful idea and I hope I am around to see it to fruition. UYou were always a wonderful teacher and mentor to me during my time at Edison and for that I am thanksful. You have also encouraged and built up hundreds of students with the positive re-inforcement that the Philadelphia School system is severeluy lacking with the current generation. The robotics program was your baby and what the school system did was supremely disrespectful. I will continue to support you both as a former student and friend. Thank you for your dedication and I hope that many more students get to enjoy and experience yuour passion and personality that emerges with every lesson

  11. Ms E.,

    I write this blog with sincere respect and admiration for all that you have done and still continue to do. Although it has been a very long time since I walked the same halls as you once did as a teacher and mentor but I as a student. I can still recall the extra acitivities that we used to do after school. You have always been someone that can be counted on for any support. Nothing that goes on should affect this as you are a great inspiration to many. I believe that you have always been a go getter and in this case I see you still continue to do so. Keep in mind no good deed goes undone or unnoticed. It may not be paying off now but in the long run the truth shall come to life and your reward will be delivered. Keep doing what you do and do not let anyone stand in your way. Plus it would not be like you if you did. You were awesome then and in my eyes and the eyes of many you still are. One negative comment cannot oversee the other lives you have touched and impacted. Good luck with your future plans as I know in time you will be successful. Keep the faith and stand firm in what you believe in. It shall come to pass.

  12. Ms E. You are the best!
    You are one of the few COMMITED, INFORMED, RESPONSIBLE, LOVABLE, HELPFUL, AND SINCERELY MOTIVATED teacher that I've met. You were firm with us, played with us, laughed with us, joked with us, cried with us, and you MADE SURE WE LEARNED SOMETHING!!!! Although I know I was probably one of the students that made your job difficult, I apologize because as I am now a mother I am going through these issues myself. Im in College now to be a Nurse and EVERYTHING that you said is TRUE. What will we do without teachers like you? No one has the right to say whether you should go on Sabbatical or not. and hey you deserve it so that you can come back refreshed and more energetic than ever. You have been a teacher for 24 years, you deserve it more than anyone else. I will support you in anyway possible, I will protest, give out flyers, etc. you name the place I will be there will my bull horn!! You have run this program for too long for anyone to think that you are not capable of doing so. If they have their way Im pretty sure it will fall apart. Either way I know you won't let it happen. So lets do what we have to do to keep you where you are!! I'LL BRING THE WHOLE FAMILY TO PROTEST!!!! XOXOXOXOXOXOXO
    Thanks for the motivation, love, support, and most of all for never giving up on your students!! I pray for more teachers like you, and I hope that my child will encounter teachers like you. I support you 100% of the way!!!!

  13. Picture it as though it has already happened. That's the Law of Attraction.

  14. My name is Maria Rivera-Deegan
    I have known Ms. Newman Ehrlich for years. I first met her at Stetson when I was about 13yrs old and I am now 32!!
    Ms E has always been a good person from day 1. She has always been friendly with a helping hand, in the tough Hispanic community I grew up in where you don't find too many people who really care. We met again at Edison high school and she was still friendly and a very sincere person. To know that she has been treated unfairly is just wrong!! She deserves the best because she is the best!! All 3 of my sisters and other family members, friends all can say the same for her and it is all from the heart.
    I have so many memories of projects she would do and how she would brighten our days with laughter and let us know that we can do it. I know longer live in Philadelphia but I am proud to stay that I had a great teacher like her. So Ms E if you need anything else from me or any of us, we are there for you.
    Thanks for being my teacher.. I support you all the way. God bless.

  15. Ms. Newman I was blessed to have you as my science teacher at Stetson Junior High. Your a wonderul teacher one of the few that I will never forget. You truly care about every student that crosses your path. Thank you for all the great memories. To those who have negative things to say about you they just jealous of all the love we all have for you.

  16. My name is William Serrano. I am a former student of Ms. Ehrlich and also a former Robotics team member for three years. I have the utmost RESPECT for this woman, who has been and always will be, a great role model in my life. Ms. Ehrlich is a great leader, teacher, and a Role Model. She has been a big influence in my life in school and in life away from school. She was always there for us, and treated our parents with respect as well. I just don't understand why someone or people would try to take all the things that she loves and has worked for away like it was all for nothing. All the hard work the long hours,the trip planning, the fund raising for thousands of dollars so we could travel to the National Competitions. I just don't understand why something so ridiculous would happen. Ms. Ehrlich I hope everything turns out for the best. Goodluck and Godbless.
    November 2, 2009 5:12 AM

  17. aww where are you going?and u really dnt knw how much u mean to me i always think of stuff u told me and it really made me who i am today!thank you for everything and i hope my son has a teacher just like you i wouldnt change nothin. we been together since middle school!LOVE YOU LOTS!!!!!

  18. You really don't know how much you mean to me Ms. Ehrlich. I always think of stuff you told me and it really made me who I am today. Thank you for everything!! I hope my son has a teacher just like you. I wouldn't change anything. We've been together since Stetson middle school!!! LOVE YOU LOTS!!!! Rita

  19. This is Xiomara Andujar. I graduated in 2004 and I was also part of EARTH ROBOTICS TEAM. Ms. E is the best teacher I had in Edison. She always motivated and supported me. She really cared for us students and made sure that we knew it. No other teacher showed so much caring like her. The school district of phila. should be ashamed of picking on people that are actually making a difference in ppls lives. Ms. E motivated me to go to college and because of her support I graduated with my BSN from Temple University in 2008. Thanks for your support. Please don't put a stop to what your doing... you really have touched so many peoples lives. God bless u

  20. There are so many things that I can say right now to discribe Ms.Erhlich but negativity isnt one of them. She is the greatest teacher I had. I knew Mr.E. since middle school with her bill ny the science guy videos lol and all my years through high school. I was there when she did the first robotics at edison, let me tell you, she is a hard working determined woman. she did all that she can do and more, she made sure the program was gonna come out perfect and it did, HELLO SHE DID IT FOR 9 YEARS!!!! somethings being done right cause she knows what she is doing!!! Mr.E. is a very loving teacher who loves her students as her own children, i know cause she was a mother to me in high school.
    keep it up Ms.E!!! The universe will work out something great for you!!! and indeed you have the determination to make it happen!!
    love you always Ms. Ehrlich!!
    Respectfully yours
    Jerry Detres JR

  21. There are so many things that I can say right now to describe Ms.Ehrlich but negativity isn’t one of them. She is the greatest teacher I had. I knew Ms..E. since middle school with her bill nye the science guy videos lol , and all my years through high school. I was there when she did the FIRST robotics at Edison, let me tell you, she is a hard working determined woman. She did all that she can do and more, she made sure the program was gonna come out perfect and it did, HELLO SHE DID IT FOR 9 YEARS!!!! Something’s being done right cause she knows what she is doing!!! Ms.E. is a very loving teacher who loves her students as her own children, I know cause she was a mother to me in high school.
    Keep it up Ms.E!!! The universe will work out something great for you!!! And indeed you have the determination to make it happen!!
    Love you always Ms. Ehrlich!!
    Respectfully yours
    Jerry Detres JR


Please only post if you have something nice to say. I want this to be a place for positive thoughts.