Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Things are Looking up^^^^ :)

The "New School" Plan is on it's way to become a reality!!! Many people have emailed and are getting their information together for our meeting. Unfortunately the snow has kept us inside for a while, but I know that SUNNY DAYS are coming for us.
I had the opportunity to speak with someone from the US Department of Education who will be assisting me in finding the sources WE need for OUR "Plan". 
It will be revolutionary if WE ALL work together
Some people who were excited at the start have lost touch :( , but that will not waver our dedication. Life Happens...and we hope you will join us on this incredible journey...
Most know that when I set out to do something, especially something involving education and the betterment of students, and their communities, I move forward and keep doing what is needed to succeed.
What I need now, if you haven't sent it... is YOUR INFO
I sent out an email to everyone who expressed an interest in becoming involved. Need another???

I want to remind everyone tht involvement doesnt mean 24/7. It can mean:
*  Offering to be part of the school "family"
*  Presentation team to do outreach
*  Examining the plan and making suggestions.
*   Contributing web based knowledge.
*  Collecting and giving us names of Community Organizations to contact and work with.
*  Attendance at meetings to show support.
*  Distributing flyers and information.
*  Calling Media ( News, Papers,....)
*  Drawing up a floor plan
* Assisting with Fund Raising
* Anything you offer is invited!!!!!!!


The most committed to the project will  have an opportunity to become our Board of Directors. I am starting a non-profit to carry us through this, so we need definitive officers to establish guidelines and structure for the Plan.
Board Members
a. President ( leads the meetings and facilitates decisions)
b. V.President ( assists President in their goals)
c. Treasurer / Financial officer ( accountant preferred)
d. Secretary ( minutes and document preparation)
e. Safety / Security officer ( someone in law enforcement preferred)
f. Parent / Family officer
g. Social Services officer ( handles outside agency contacts and coordinates their activities)
h. Student Members ( students from the community with excellent academic record
    ( A's & B's & 1's) 7-12th grades ( 6 representatives)

Officers may be students, parents, community members, teachers...whomever we deem as committed and trustworthy.
The most important for me is COMMITMENT AND TRUST. That is why I want to work with primarily students..I TRUST YOU THE MOST.

Please contact me as soon as you can to let me know your interest, and of course POST what you are thinking and feeling!!!